Food Security & Agriculture Project
Driven by our participatory process with the Bitereko Widows Association (BWA), food security has been identified as an important aspect of sustainable development in our community in Uganda. Food insecurity has risen as a major barrier to poverty reduction in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, and due to the recognition of the potential of further food crises as a result of future pandemics, the effects of climate change, or other widespread emergencies. UP began raising funds and building capacity for a comprehensive approach to addressing food security via an agricultural skills building project.
Aspects of this project include purchasing land, distributing equipment and materials (such as seeds, fertilizer, etc.) and knowledge dissemination workshops on various topics. ​This project is supported by the Figment Foundation and Youthnited Nations.

Our Strategies
Guided by our Agricultural Project Lead this project takes a multi-pronged approach to food security and agricultural skills building.